Multilingual Translation
Multilingual Translation
Are Japanese and English enough to get across the message you are trying to convey?
Globalization and increasing diversity have heightened demand for communication in a variety of languages.
Documents for Employees
Rules of employment
Notices of employment (terms and conditions)
Codes of ethics
Management philosophies
Compliance training materials
In-house magazines
etc.Documents for Business Partners and Customers
Company profiles
Press releases
Website content
Integrated reports
Sustainability reports
Key Features of Dynaword’s Multilingual Translation Service
A team of professionals with expertise in diverse fields accurately capture the subtleties of language in natural translations tailored to each local audience.

Fit-for-purpose translations adapted to the characteristics of each language—our support extends beyond translation to processes such as desktop publishing (layout editing and design) and subtitling.
- In typesetting, each paragraph should have a two-character indent in the first line.
Example: Position of punctuation
Simplified Chinese: Punctuation is positioned to the bottom-right of the previous character.
Traditional Chinese: Punctuation is usually center-aligned between characters.
- The position of a line break can change the meaning of the text.
Example: Depending on the position of the line break, the word for “hot water” could be taken as separate words “water” and “hot".
- Personal pronouns are complicated.
Example: There are a number of ways of saying “you” that depend, for example, on gender, age, occupation and status.
- Verbs do not have tenses.
Example: Time needs to be expressed in some way.
We support many of the world’s languages, including Chinese (simplified and traditional) and ASEAN languages that are growing in importance. Native speakers are involved in the process not only in translation, but also DTP and subtitling.
Project Example
Manufacturer of chemicals, including basic chemicals and performance materials
Project Description:
Create versions of the company history in multiple languages for employees of overseas group companies.
Start by translating the Japanese version into English and proceed to translate and publish other language versions.
- Based on the opinions of overseas reviewers at the client, we selected translators who could put the content into natural, flowing language.
- The process followed a translation policy established in advance, taking into account the characteristics of each language relating, for example, to proper nouns and date notation.
- Revisions made during the translation process for specific languages were communicated to personnel involved in other languages to allow for similar revisions.