Dynaword Since 1972 The Communication Experts



Dynaword’s strong point is face-to-face communication. Right from the very first encounter, we lay the foundations for delivering a high-quality translation, meeting the client in person to explore the finer details of the job and ascertain exactly what it is they need.

A suitable proposal is then drawn up based on the substance of those first exploratory discussions, with a project manager presiding over each subsequent step, including preparation, translation, checking and editing.
After the job is done, glossaries, translation memories and other materials are compiled as a database that is updated and maintained for future projects.

Quality-Oriented Translation Workflow

A project manager supervises all processes to ensure sound, consistent quality.


Initial Meeting

First, the account manager (AM) meets the client in person to discuss the details of the project, such as the translation use and audience, and then presents a quote.



The project manager (PM) prepares the job instructions, including details of the reference materials, glossaries, and style guides. After that, the PM selects the translator and checker and carries out other tasks, such as processing the text within images.



The translator, a native in the target language, carries out the translation according to the job instructions.



The checker checks the translation to identify spelling mistakes and incorrect or incomplete translations and to ensure the accuracy of numbers, symbols, dates and proper nouns.



The editor improves the translation by correcting mistakes identified by the checker and revising the text to make sure it reads naturally to native readers.


Desktop Publishing (DTP) Layout

The DTP team carries out the redesign work and selects the applicable layout rules. The team then integrates the translation into the document according to the job instructions.
(if required)



If DTP is carried out, the proofreader proofreads the translation within the layout design.


Final Check and Delivery

The AM carries out a final check according to the job instructions and prepares a list of matters that need to be communicated to the client.


Application in Future Projects

The PM prepares, updates or maintains glossaries, translation memories and other databases and provides feedback to translators and checkers.

Three Factors Behind Dynaword’s Strengths

Quality Management System (ISO 9001 Certification)


To ensure that we achieve the highest quality standards, we have acquired ISO 9001 certification and deploy its methods and processes for continual improvement throughout the company.
ISO 9001 is an international standard for management systems used to maintain and control quality with a focus on the processes involved in creating products and services. In applying ISO 9001, we make use of information technology to maintain and continually improve quality.

Quality Control Tools and Editing Software

Dynaword makes full use of a broad selection of quality control tools and editing software to support translation and editing of a wide range of documents.

Quality Control Tools

  • Computer-assisted translation (CAT) using Memsource and SDL Trados
    CAT tools compile databases of documents and glossaries from past translation jobs for application in new projects. Each database stores the complete translated text with standardized terminology that can be reused as appropriate, thereby improving the quality we can deliver. However, the use of CAT tools is not always advisable so a decision is made based on the content and characteristics of the document.
  • PlugWord (a unique tool developed in-house)
    PlugWord embeds terminology in source document files for the translation stage, thereby ensuring consistent vocabulary in the translated text.
  • Just Right! proofreading tool
    This tool identifies mistakes or word omissions as well as spelling inconsistencies, thereby helping to improve proofreading quality and efficiency.

Editing Software

In addition to Microsoft Office applications, we also work with Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop for DTP editing of a wide range of documents intended for internal or external use.

Security (ISO 27001 Certification)


In recognition that the documents we work with contain very important information entrusted to us by clients, Dynaword has acquired ISO 27001 information security management system certification. The system we have put in place ensures tight management controls, with periodic reviews, for all facets of security, including people, information and communication systems, workspaces and supplier management.

Physical and Environmental Security Measures

Access control systems are used to restrict entry to office areas. Employees gain entry by authenticating their identity with a smart employee ID card.
Anyone else wishing to enter an office area must first fill out a form at reception. Inside, they must be accompanied by an employee and wear a visitor’s card at all times.

Handling and Safeguarding of Confidential Information

1. Confidentiality Agreements with Translators
  • All of our part-time and full-time employees and outsourced personnel, including translators, are required to enter into non-disclosure agreements and comply with our confidential information management regulations.
2. Handling of Confidential Information
  • All of the information we receive from clients is treated as strictly confidential.
  • The management requirements listed in our confidential information management regulations stipulate methods for handling electronic data and printouts under the following categories: 1) the copying of confidential information; 2) the disclosure and distribution of confidential information; 3) the electronic transmission and accessing of confidential information; 4) the forwarding of confidential information; 5) the carrying of confidential information; 6) the storage of confidential information; 7) the disposal of confidential information; and 8) the recording of confidential information.
  • In accordance with these regulations, translators are required to adhere to restrictions on copying files and printed matter, delete the files after the work is complete, and report the deletion of the files.
3. Security Training
  • Employees receive security training when they join the company and annually thereafter.
  • Translators are subject to annual reviews based on our contractor assessment standards.

Security Measures for Information Systems and Communications

  • Access to areas for sharing information is granted on a need-to basis in order to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Antivirus software is installed on all computers and servers and regularly updated.
  • Server data is automatically backed up to cloud storage.
  • Log collection and system monitoring are carried out for the main company servers and network devices.
  • Information related to each individual project is immediately shared with all project team members via a portal website or mailing list with restricted access.
  • We use fiebie, a secure file transfer application, to exchange data with our clients. The backend of fiebie is based on SharePoint Online from Microsoft, allowing for robust security. We use our FilePort system to encrypt all communication pathways when exchanging files with our outsourced staff.


Exchange of files between the client and the Dynaword representative


  • Translator


  • Checker


  • Proofreader


Exchange of files between Dynaword, translators and other operators
What is fiebie?
The fiebie service is an SaaS used in connection with Microsoft 365.
It provides the function of transmitting and gathering files simply by linking with Microsoft Outlook and entering email addresses for sharing data.
What is FilePort?
FilePort is the system we use to exchange files with translators and other parties working on a project. Files are transmitted quickly and securely in an encrypted format to prevent the data from being viewed by an outside party.
Employing highly secure information systems in all processes allows us to do our jobs safely and efficiently.

Dynaword Incorporated
Shinjuku Hirose Bldg., 4-7 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0004, Japan
Tel.: +81-3-3355-2411 Fax: +81-3-3355-2412